The World's Random Quality

One random Summer morning,
I woke up and got something in my mind,
something that was left by the guy I met
in my dream the night before,
that 'something' is changed to understandable words.
below are those words:
life is a set of chaos sequences;
the randomness of events that involve us both directly and indirectly
increase the level of randomness in our plans that are supposed to be exact;
therefore there is no such thing as certain plan,
because every activities are connected with randomness and thus can't be certain.
Remembering the ancient chinese story about the old man who lost his horse, I feel more certain about the suggestion that we shall not worry about bad events, because it is so random, that we can't really say that such event is bad.
The Story about an old man who lost his horse
Near the Great Wall lived an old man, who had a fine horse. One day the horse ran away to the barbarian territory, and failed to return.
When his friends and relatives heard the tale, they all came to comfort the old man.
They never expected the old man to say with a lack of concern, "The way I look at it, who knows if having my horse run away might not bring me some advantage!"
Several months later, the old man's horse returned, bringing back a horse of the barbarians with it.
Again his friends and neighbors all came, this time to congratulate him. But he responded that there was really nothing worth rejoicing over. If something went wrong, he said, the end result could still be disastrous.
Regrettably, the old man's words were right on the mark. His son tried to ride the horse from the barbarian lands. Unfortunately, the horse had not been tamed, and it threw the boy to the ground, breaking his leg.
Again family and neighbors arrived to express their sympathy. The old man told them, "You needn't worry so much about me. Although it is unfortunate that my son broke his leg, it may turn out to be for the best."
A year later, the barbarians attacked and broke through the Great Wall in force. All the healthy young men in the area were called to war, and the vast majority were killed.
The old man's son, on the other hand, was spared, because his bad leg kept him out of military service.
why does such thing actually happens?
I guess once again it is because when we have an interaction with the world, we actually pick it randomly. Eg: we know we have a car that we picked our self (eg. Honda Accord), but do you know the unique quality of your car that differs it from another car from the same model? will you know if there is a little defect on very small part of your left front tire, something that you can't see, but it really differs it from their "cousins."
Now, you don't think that all of those Honda Accord 1994 has exactly100% the same quality ... do you? well, they are all the same model, all look the same, but each of them are unique! and I bet that you don't know what is the uniqeness that your car has, which means that you pick the car more or less randomly! (another example: when we go out of the house, do we plan which people we will meet in the street? do we plan which car we will pass on the highway?
now, the question is:
where will this randomness bring us tommorow?
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