Sunday, September 04, 2005

Perfect World?

Argh, tak terasa seminggu lagi gua udah mesti for-good balik ke Indo.
Dulu ketika lagi stress-stressnya sekolah, kayanya kepingin banget pulang Indo tapi sekarang kalo udah mau pulang beneran, kayanya ada yang sedikit engga enak.

Anyway, entah kenapa gua kepikiran buat nulis yang gua tulis dibawah ini. Engga bermaksud menjadi pesimis, cuman sedikit bertanya-tanya seperti biasa.

Perfect World - Perfect Human

What is a perfect human?
When one can imagine such human,
does it imply that such human possible to exist?
if it does not, how resemble to it one could be?
will he/she be good enough to be called almost perfect?

What does one need to do to be categorized as perfect?
what kind of characteristic such perfect human possess?
and what does one need to be on that perfect status?

What would the world be, if everybody are such human?
what would the world be, if at least everybody is trying?
would it make things worse?
would it make things better?
The argument are
If the world is full of perfect humans, will the world itself be perfect?
But, would it be better than a world where only half the humans are perfect, and the other half are not even close to perfect?
And would it be better than a world where none of the humans are perfect?

Regardless what the correct answers are,
we know that many people want to be a better person,
although they know that the 'better' might never gonna be perfect.

If the world is full of humans who want to be better, will the world itself be better?
Unless, 'getting better' means differently for each people, group, country, religion. Yup, if each people's 'getting better' contradicts to each other, how could it possibly make things better?
And unfortunately that's the case of our world.

In our world, oftenly someone's 'getting better' means somebody else's 'getting worse.' For example in small scale: if there are two people who compete with each other, if one of them is getting better that already means the other one is getting worse even if he actually stays in his original status. and for example in larger scale: if one country is keep getting better and thus dominate the world, it must mean the other countries are getting worse (decreasing GDP?)

If everybody's trying to be better and yet that does not guarantee a better world, then what should we do in order to make this world better?

is it even possible?

Maybe what do we really need is the better in term of morality, kindness, unselfishness, tolerance, and not just any better in aspects that might not support human's journey to a better world.

Nevertheless, I still wanna be a better man, maybe it is not for the good of the whole world, but at least it could for the good of my future little world: my family.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

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8:51 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

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9:02 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

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9:05 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yup, family is always a good start. But also one of the most difficult one.


7:52 PM  
Blogger Imelda said...

Dear Kabul...

Yeap, no doubt going back for good is such a dilemma.. Since Indonesia is pretty much far from the 'perfect world' u mentioned.. and of course condensed with a lot of far from'perfect humans' u mentioned..

But to have that much hopes.. especially for the greater future.. things cant go far from perfect.

=) be positive okay..

3:48 PM  
Blogger zuki said...

'Pa kabar nih? Maaf udah lama nggak mampir .. :-). Again, interesting thought ...

Menurut saya, manusia adalah insan yang penuh dengan kelemahan, jadi kata perfect tidak bisa 'menempel' pada manusia. Itulah makanya kenapa lebih baik kita fokus untuk hari ini menjadi lebih baik dari kemarin dan esok hari menjadi lebih baik dari hari ini ...

Kemudian bagaimana dengan kriteria lebih baik - getting better? Sering kali kita 'terjebak' dengan melakukan analisis-analisis sendiri dan melupakan adanya kebenaran absolut, Prima Causa, yakni Tuhan Yang Maha Esa. Menurut saya, ajaran agama merupakan tuntutan, juklak, UUD, yang jelas mengenai bagaimana menjadi lebih baik .... cuma itu, kita manusia sering merasa pintar dan mencoba mencari penyelesaian sendiri dan melupakan hal yang satu ini.

Anyway .... just my thought, only worth 2 cents .. ;-P

5:55 AM  

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