Jumat Sore - Buffet Movie [Edited]
I'm going to my friend's house in an hour or so. Later on tonight, I'm thinking to watch "Charlie's and the Chocolate factory" unless nobody wants to go; RottenTomatoes gives it a good rating, so I guess it must be worth watching.
Talking about movie-theatre, in the states (at least on the theatres that I visited), we don't have the seat-number on the ticket, so we could sit anywhere we want (which means if you're late on a box-office movie, you gotta be ready to sit in the front row: in fact, I did it once, or twice). But offcouse, people here are not that naive, due to that flaw, the theatre offers a refund (they give back your money), if you change your mind about seeing the movie (eg. you don't get a good seat) well, as long as the movie hasn't finished yet.
The other thing, usually some Indonesian friends sometimes watch more than one movie at a time and some call this method "buffet" which is taken from the "buffet restaurant" in which the meaning of 'buffet' is actually irrelevant to the concept of "the privilege of abusing resources with a single payment" because buffet actually means " A meal at which guests serve themselves from various dishes displayed on a table or sideboard".
Yes, they only pay a ticket to one movie. They could possibly do that because nobody actually watch the door in-front-of each auditorium, they took the ticket in the very front door, and after that you could go to any theatres - number of times, well except the box-office movie, for that one they usually got some tough-looking guy (or just some guy) to watch the door.
Ofcourse, most people would think that we shouldn't do that, that we shouldn't watch more than one movie when we only pay the ticket for one. The thing is, if we think about it, sometimes the theatres here are quite empty, so I think, as long as we don't disadvantage anybody (not making noise, not littering, not taking anybody's seat), where's the harm? They gotta run the movies anyway. Isn't it better if more people watch, even for free? (especially if we see this thing as global's advantage, by spending the same amount of energy, isn't that the world is less disadvantaged if more people are watching it? - I say disadvantaged because it's using energy resources to present a less important issue)
If we really care about honesty(which I think is related with generousity, benelovence), isn't it better to give the ticket money to the poor, rather than make some rich guy getting even richer? We're not really breaking the law, aren't we? Well, according to my friend who actually worked for the theatre, his supervisor never actually told him to watch/catch for the 'buffet-watchers'. So I think despite the fact that the theatre-owner must have known that some guys are 'buffeting' the movies, they don't really give a damn about it. Maybe, as long as they make money, they don't really care about unimportant stuff. (Remind me of the saying "The law doesn't concern itself with trifles" -> very wonderful!)
You might say "what is different between stealing one book and two books?" what is the different between buffet-watching and not-paying-at-all to watch the movie? You're right they're both are the same thing called stealing. I just offer my point-of-view which is not an absolute true, it's just an opinion, a way of thinking. Sometimes we're too focus on the law that we forget the big picture, the very reasons behind the making of the law.
Now, for me. The last time I did the buffet movie thing is 4 yrs ago or so. It isn't really my thing. But, sometimes I got annoyed with people who try to be wise, but in a wrong way. They say doing that is wrong without really thinking about it. They just believe that doing that is wrong while at the same time, they do a lot of worse things - for an obvious example they prefer to pay two tickets (give more money to the rich guy) rather than giving the same amount of money to the poor (to their neighbor kids who can't go to school). Now not everybody is like that, some guys are real honest, and real wise, I really appreciate that kind of guys. I know I shouldn't judge people like that, maybe I'm just a bit annoyed remembering some guys who talk-talk-talk(even worse, judging-judging-complaining-cursing-blaming) and actually do nothing but shit, which ironically reminds me of my self.
Oh man... I start to judge people again without looking at myself. You know what, nobody really got any bad intentions, the buffet-watchers are just playing along with the culture and trying to save money, the critics are guys who have principles and do not afraid in stating their opinion (wrong or right, based on them). So, there isn't any conflict here. Why the hell I make it looks like such a big deal? Anyway, now everybody is happy, instead of deleting my [above] post, I prefer to add this paragraph. After all, I just learn to express my self through writing.
Have a nice day: let's try to stop judging people.
Kabul, what do you think about that movie: "Willy Wonka"? For some reason, I'm not excited to watch it. I even plan to watch "The Island" tomorrow.
Give some reviews, okay? :)
hahaha...good post there mate...dilema yang tidak akan ada habisnya. i mean, we can't possibly draw a definite answer on whether the action is morally right/wrong. it's all depend on ourselves i guess. AMC will say: give our profit back!, saints would say: don't do it, it's a sin!, sinners (not in a connotative view in this opinion) will say: hell yeah! well, i'm more of a tweener...to be honest if the movie is old, thus practically unguarded, i would certainly want to get in and watch it, if i know it's good of coz. but in the case of a full-house, i wouldn't even think of getting in. i know that my action is questionable, ppl would ask: what's the difference? it's still a 'buffet' whether you choose it to be empty seated or full house. well to me it's different. 1. i'm not really try to 'search a chance in tightness' (kesempatan dlm kesempitan jek! haha!), but instead whenever i see a big hole in front of me with, almost, no risk in return, why shouldn't i take it? 2. since i'm don;t actually take others' seats, i don't feel guilty toward my action. but i'm pretty sure there lots of good guys out there who would simply say no to my action. well, i guess they would miss the fun, heheh! cheers
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